| CLEVELAND ROCKS The Drew Carey Show Welcome to my Drew Carey Show fan site. If you don't watch the Drew Carey Show and don't exactly know what it is, I will explain. The Drew Carey Show is all about a middle aged, over wieght, white guy in the middle of America's heart land. Drew is constantly going back and forth with the other characters and it is hilarious. If you don't know much about Cleveland, or middle America, then watch the Drew Carey Show and you'll understand it. It is actually cool. Please visit the other pages on my site. Links to them can be found above the "Cleveland Rocks" title of each page. There are five other sections: Episodes, Cast, Links, Message Board and Contact me. Some pages are still being worked on, but Links and Cast are basicaly done and have cool content. Thanks for visiting!!! |
Drew Factoids In real life Drew has a stripper girlfriend! Drew is a fan of the Howard Stern Radio Show! Drew used to be in the military! Buzz beer is made out of coffee and beer?! Cleveland Rocks is the theme song for the Drew Carey Show, if you know the old theme song then I know your a true fan. E-mail me the name of the old song if you know it!

Click on the Indian logo and go to the Cleveland Indians official site! While you are there, I recomend you check out some of the cool products they have for you to buy!
Here's a tripod mp3 search. Try searching for Cleveland Rocks!
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Warning: The pictures on this site are from other websites! None of them are original! I just hope I put them together better then the other people! 
The one and only Drew Carey. His show can be seen at 9 o'clock (pt) every Wednesday on ABC. If thats not enough, watch the WB startin at 7 o'clock (pt) everyday!!! Wow, so much Drew! And, if you are a real big fan of Drew's (kinda like me) watch his other show, Who's Line is it Anyway? 
Click on the Frog to get to the Warner Bros website!
If you are reading this, then you won! Ok, for your prize e-mail me and just say "weasel!". I will tell you now, you didn't win much, but you might enjoy it. :) You weasel you! |